Greetings There will be a meeting of the Council of the Society this Friday the 23rd. The Council will consider the following options in regard to voting rights for new 2LD applications. Your comments are encouraged: ================= Motion 1 Abstract The Request for Votes for the application requires a voting electorate. After review and consideration 3 options have been presented for discussion and voting. Option 1 The electorate for the RFV shall be members of good standing of ISOCNZ as of the day before the vote is called. Reason: Known community that is easy to reach and identify which has a greater propensity to understand the issues surrounding the vote. Option 2 The electorate for the RFV shall be name holders or name holder representatives of a name in the .nz name space. A person would be only be able to vote once no matter how many names they had that qualified. Reason: The addition of a new 2LD directly affects current name holders. By having a name in the .nz spaces means they are an existing stakeholder in the .nz name space. Option 3 The electorate for the RFV shall be any person that has an email address in the .nz name space, i.e. steven.heath(a) but not steven.heath(a) A person would be only be able to vote once no matter how many email addresses they had that qualified. Reason: By having an address in the .nz name space means they have an affinity with .nz and provides the widest possible community. Also does not exclude anyone based on having membership or an existing name. Preferred Motion 1 wording: That the electorate for the RFV for the be any person that has an email address in the .nz name space. A person would be only be able to vote once no matter how many email addresses they had that qualified. ======= Cheers Sue Sue Leader - Executive Director ISOCNZ (Internet Society of New Zealand Inc) Exe.Dir(a) Voice: +64-4-801-6256 PLEASE NOTE CHANGE: P.O.Box 11-881, Wellington --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a) where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog