This is pretty common practice when purchasing bandwidth from retail providers..




From: Joel Wiramu Pauling []
Sent: Friday, 20 February 2009 2:43 a.m.
To: nznog
Subject: [nznog] New Telstra transparent proxy/config?


Over the last 24-48 hours I have noticed that I am seeing my IP being mis-represented quite often as

which appears to be a new upstream proxy hop I have not seen before:

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
 1 (  18.037 ms  17.681 ms  17.413 ms
 2 (  12.952 ms  12.781 ms  12.475 ms 
 3 (  21.357 ms  20.910 ms  20.661 ms
 4 (  24.332 ms  24.066 ms  23.950 ms  

I have noticed it preventing non http traffic flowing across port 80 (netcat to amazon cloud), as well as interfering with stun and various other bits and pieces, (incoming and outgoing connections to/from local webserver take longer than usual)

Can anyone confirm similar behaviour who is on Telstra cable network, or have further details.

Appears to be a netcache proxy.

Proxy Server Details: 1.1 nc2 (NetCache NetApp/6.0.5P1)

Kind regards
