On 27/09/2018, at 11:38 AM, Brian Cole <brian.cole@waikato.ac.nz> wrote:Hi all,_______________________________________________Longtime listener; first time caller.I signed up to SamKnows (partly out of curiosity and partly so I can have hard data about my connection that I pay for) at home.Over the last week my connection has gone from slightly adequate with the occasional drop out to a slow connection with regular drop outs.Netflix and YouTube are stuttering, video games drop connection, and websites hang at random times.I can't help but think that the email shared by Dylan sheds some light on why that maybe.This programme won't be terribly successful if everyone gets sick of having a terrible connection during peak hours and shuts the white box down.Pretty frustrating.Brian--
Brian Cole / Research Projects Developer
Research & Enterprise / Research Office / University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105 / Hamilton 3240 / New Zealand
www.waikato.ac.nz / mob + 64 21 049 9183
email brian.cole@waikato.ac.nz
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