----- Original Message -----
From: "Matt Camp"
Hi all,
Just curious if any other ISPs are suffering from supposed "industry wide" throughput issues on the Telecom DSL network caused by telecom "upgrading too many customers to 3.5mbit without upgrading their network"?
Read the Forums on http://www.nzdsl.co.nz. Lots of people are complaining. Also most other NZ based forum sites you can find the complaints (gpforums, geekzone,trademe,recoil,nzgames ......) But saying that, some people are definitely getting 3.5M (See graphs at http://www.nzdsl.co.nz/graphs/). This is about 50000 recorded tests from a few thousand NZers on different ISP's over the last week plotted against the time of day. (Left to Right is 24 hours) (The data is sparse on the left of the graphs as hardly no one is awake between 1am and 7am) I'm not saying they are scientific but give a pretty good idea. These are not all DSL connections testing (but a very large number are) There is ALOT of data I have collected and over time it will be split per ISP and other factors which can be measured. Remember.. your speed is NOT guaranteed, but if you are buying a 3.5M connection and can NEVER get 3.5M.... Thanks Craig NZDSL http://www.nzdsl.co.nz