Has it not sunk in yet that after November 1st, peering in NZ will be gone? Unless of course non-telco providers get their corporate derrieres into the sling and start networking with one another.
I'm pretty sure its only the TCNZ->ISP's which the peering will be disconnected, but the TCNZ -> other National Carriers will still be there.. So instead of going for example with a Telecom Customer. ISP->Clear (Across APE)->Clear->Clear Customer It will go ISP->Telecom National->Clear (their Peering with Telecom) ->Clear Customer. All this will mean is people will have to buy more domestic Bandwidth via their national carrier. What I've seen is people 100% rely on their APE/WIX peering for the Bandwdith so if it goes down then they don't have enough bandwidth via their National Links via their Carrier (This is what happened to Trademe) Thanks Craig