On 30 May 2012 15:25, Nicholas Lee
In the case of a dispute, it would be better to allow the domain holder with the longest third level registration to have priority for the second level.
Bah Humbug! why would you even consider putting an approval/sunrise or other process in place just because there are existing $STRING.$STRING.nz names? Makes no sense; if a party feels that a 2ld is diluting their brand then they should have to demonstrate that they have taken steps to protect it - AKA Trademark laws. This also extends to hiring someone to be clicking through a Registration page at 3AM in the morning the day the 2LD's go on sale to ensure they get it; or else being prepared to pony up money to whoever go there first if you really really want it. Only then would you start to consider approaching the DNC - and you better damn well be able to prove you are actively using the $STRING as a trademark etc. Seems to work pretty well for the most part for the rest of the world.