On Wed, 24 Aug 2005, Craig Whitmore wrote:
The question is.. who are these NZ spammers? Where does he get this information from?
Well there were those Cashevolution people that some NZ ISP let spam for a while... Microsoft are a big company with large anti-spam departments, they have lawyers and investigators to track down people who send spam and I guess some of it links back to NZers. Several spammers have been mentioned by name in this list or in the press ( no idea if any are still active) in the past and people have come across others at times. One even did a submission on the Legislating against Spam Discussion Document. Right now there is no real point in naming them since no real action can be taken against them (unless you have a spare few hundred thousand to bury them in lawyers). Best to wait until the laws go though and quietly slip their names to the enforcing dept. -- Simon J. Lyall | Very Busy | Web: http://www.darkmere.gen.nz/ "To stay awake all night adds a day to your life" - Stilgar | eMT.