From the rumblings I have been hearing critical mass for the eradication of OSPF on the NZIX switch should be a fairly straightforward first objective, and recent domestic peering "upsets" would have been easier to
Hi all,
This would seem to be a sensible forum to get some discussion running on
peering within NZ, either across the NZIX switch, across WIX or via
bilateral peer-to-peer circuits.
It might also be a good place to gauge enthusiasm for a "BGP only" policy
at NZIX, with or without a local route server.
Might I suggest that we pursue some low-key publicity of this list to get
network administrators from Netlink, IHUG, Iconz, Pronet, Actrix, Voyager,
Xtra(?), etc, etc involved and speaking about these issues?
track down with a list full of network people.
Joe Abley