At grave risk of email execution... I would be interested in hearing about operational experiences utilizing Chorus transport. I would also be interested in the thoughts of this group on: -Ultra Fast Broadband -VDSL2 -Voice Services The separation of Chorus allows us to consider new inputs and options. My network has to meet your needs for service and revenue. Where is Chorus failing? What do you see a need for? I don't have direct control of field forces or the NOC, but hearing about these experiences helps me decide if the ops teams have the right tools and information to support the network. I can get them more tools and better information. I don't have a problem discussing these in a public forum. However, feel free to contact me privately. Curtis Owings Principal Solution Architect T +64 4 498 9355 (extn 49355) M +64 27 655 5335 E Curtis.Owings(a) Level 3, Deloitte House, 10 Brandon Street P O Box 632, Wellington P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail ________________________________ This communication, including any attachments, is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not read it - please contact me immediately, destroy it, and do not copy or use any part of this communication or disclose anything about it. Thank you. Please note that this communication does not designate an information system for the purposes of the Electronic Transactions Act 2002.