Rik Wade wrote:
I'd suggest something like the following as policy: - two classes, "bulk" and "priority" - IX members are permitted to send n% of their IX connection bandwidth as "priority" (matrix configuration enforced)
I have ports on IXes where other companies have 40x the bandwidth I do. (I have 1GE, they have 40GE). If the other party was to be allowed 10% of their traffic as "high priority" then easily I could have my entire port taken over by one organisation, even if that was NOT WHAT I WANTED. Priority for IXes is pointless. No one that I'm aware of does differential priority on their Internet networks which can be accessed externally. (Nothing like making a DDoS really effective). Why? Because priority is about trust relationships. Fundementally the Internet is untrustworthy. Therefore I can't trust any markings coming externally. How do I know a peer is really trustworthy or that their customers are? If people want to organise standard passing of priority bits for non-Internet traffic, then that's all well and good. But I suspect the relationship will have to be very different to the nature of Internet IXes. MMC