At 11:45 pm 31/10/99 +1300, Joe Abley wrote:
On Sun, Oct 31, 1999 at 09:46:37PM -1200, Richard Naylor wrote:
CityLink is no longer charging ISPs for access to APE as a part of our contribution to efficient Internetworking. ie ITS FREE. This includes use of the route server. It is presumed that an ISP already has an AS number.
This is excellent. Many thanks (to CNHL and to cisco).
For the trivia collection - CNHL ceased to exist at 3pm on Friday 29 Oct 1999. It merged with CityLink Ltd to become CityLink Ltd. Apart from clearing up much confusion in peoples minds, the merger solved a financial dilema internally. The shareholding has changed a little and certain restrictions in shareholding and operations have hopefully been removed.
There's another effective filtering mechanism, which is that Sky City's minimum charge for colo is around $4000, plus installation fees and legal costs incurred by Sky City in preparing the tenancy contracts. Any corporate operator prepared to go to these lengths to make their content available is probably worth peering with :)
Would it be agreeable to make the policy: you _must_ operate using BGP, and using a globally-unique ASN, before you are permitted to attach to the exchange?
No - we are happy to have corporates sit behind our ASN and not have to go to APNIC or use their ISP. It just makes our work easier if we look after it. When they sign on we help with the router setup and don't get surprised when they pop up (and down :) on the route server. The policy in Wgtn is that they must be Corporate PLUS user which applies a $ filter.
ASNs do not cost anything to obtain if you're a member of APNIC (and if a corporate customer wasn't a member of APNIC, their ISP almost certainly would be, and could apply for an ASN on their behalf).
see above
It has been reported that someone has broken into the APE cabinet on L48 and using our UPS. I'm pretty annoyed at that. There is a key in AKL and the 24 hr phone number is on both cabinet doors. JDA/SkyTower weren't impressed either and have complained to CityLink.
Mmm. I would have thought you guys should have been complaining to JDA, rather than the other way round?
Since CNHL are in Wellington, it makes sense for Auckland operators who maintain a presence in the Sky Tower to keep an eye on Richard's cabinet and report problems to Sky City security as soon as they are spotted. It's in everybody's interests to keep the exchange cabinet safe.
Maybe we should all chip in and buy a webcam. Virtual Stake-Out :)
with the soon to be enacted switch swap, alarms and monitoring will be fitted and with my interest in webcams I guess I could fit a couple (LIVE from SkyTower, stunning views of hackers in action plus backdrops of Auckland clouds.....) good thing cams don't have commentaries..... rich richard.naylor(a) This mail message contains information that is confidential and which may be subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not use, distribute or copy this message. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and erase this mail. --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a) where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog