In my view the Government have continued to duck the real issue - structural separation in telecoms. I am disappointed, that with all the evidence available (eg. British Telecom structural separation [voluntary]) , the Government have just fiddled at the edges of the problem, hoping that would make it all OK. If I was in Telecom NZ I would be celebrating tonight -- Telecom NZ still have control over vertical markets. Accounting separation will not suffice -- many recent examples have shown that accounting practices cannot save us!
Actually, if you read it ( I am lothe to defend the government, but ...) Key features of the final package Facilitating competition by improving access at the wholesale level to the fixed local-loop telecommunications network, through: * introducing local loop unbundling; * removing constraints on the regulated Unbundled Bitstream Service, including providing for “Naked DSL”; * requiring the preparation by Telecom of a set of regulatory accounts (accounting separation) based around its wholesale businesses; and * the preparation and disclosure by access providers of information to facilitate compliance with the applicable access principles set out in Schedule 1 of the Telecommunications Act 2001. Points 2 and three are significant.