> No, the opposite. 2talk to you is the route that is working optimally,> VF is the party sending to odd places along the way despite apparently
> having a peering at ALK-IX with 2talk.
Thanks for the input AJY.��I see now looking back that my quoting was all stuffed up making my email almost unreadable! It was good of you to��preserver��with it.
I had thought the issue might be to do with BGP��advertisements��of the local routes from��the 2talk end not reaching VF's RIB for some reason, but I guess a problem at either end could cause that.
Is anyone else with an endpoint on VF IP space able to check for me to see if their routing to sip.2talk.co.nz is going via GG too? If it's widespread then I'll take the time to put the end-user's hat on and call VF... (unless anyone VF is on-list and could investigate?).