On 28 Sep 2004, at 06:40, Tim Nicholas wrote:
Anyone know why ns1 ns2 ns3 and ns5.dns.net.nz aren't giving out useful information?
I have no answer, but I can see similar problems. Even though all nameservers are reporting the same SOA serial, the answers are different for the question "dnc.net.nz IN NS": [jabley(a)ganesh]% for n in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do for> echo -n "ns${n}: " for> dig @ns${n}.dns.net.nz net.nz SOA +short for> dig @ns${n}.dns.net.nz dnc.net.nz NS +norec +short for> done ns1: loopback.dns.net.nz. soa.nzrs.net.nz. 2004092888 900 300 604800 3600 ns2: loopback.dns.net.nz. soa.nzrs.net.nz. 2004092888 900 300 604800 3600 ns3: loopback.dns.net.nz. soa.nzrs.net.nz. 2004092888 900 300 604800 3600 ns4: loopback.dns.net.nz. soa.nzrs.net.nz. 2004092888 900 300 604800 3600 ns2.actrix.co.nz. internetnz.net.nz. ns1.actrix.co.nz. ns5: loopback.dns.net.nz. soa.nzrs.net.nz. 2004092888 900 300 604800 3600 ns6: loopback.dns.net.nz. soa.nzrs.net.nz. 2004092888 900 300 604800 3600 ns7: loopback.dns.net.nz. soa.nzrs.net.nz. 2004092888 900 300 604800 3600 ns2.actrix.co.nz. internetnz.net.nz. ns1.actrix.co.nz. [jabley(a)ganesh]% I only get answers from ns4 and ns7. You got an answer from n6, but that's quite possibly a different ns6 from the one I was using (ns5 and ns6 are anycast by UltraDNS). I'd AXFR the zones from each server and diff them, but of course I can't. Shame that. (If the poor thinking that drove that policy was removed, we might actually be able to deploy DNSSEC in New Zealand, too). Joe