From: owner-nznog(a) [mailto:owner-nznog(a)]On Behalf Of Joe Abley Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 9:37 PM
[MBONE scariness] [OS jihad trolling]
Of course, I am always available to lend a hand to leverage whomever I can, or to help with any technical problems anyone may have. I am really enthused about htis project, and it would be really damn nice to see the New Zealand internet community get off it's arse and get something done for once, instead of just wondering why ISOCNZ isn't doing it.
I'm a little confused as to why anybody thinks this is an isocnz-l issue, though. Am I missing something?
From that, I deduce that there are two classes of people who might consider
I think there might be a small number of naive individuals left with the mistaken impression that ISOCNZ might actually be able to contribute to or assist in the provision of anything new, interesting or technically challenging to the Internet infrastructure in NZ. this an ISOCNZ issue, vis: (a) Naive people who haven't yet realised that ISOCNZ is essentially a secret society for those concerned, dealing exclusively with internal politicking and having absolutely no impact on the NZ Internet landscape at all, other than their own profitability; and (b) Bitter and self-righteous people who *have* figured out the above, who cross-post to ISOCNZ-l simply to 'rub their noses in it'. Figuring which of these two categories I fit into is left as an exercise for the reader. Not that I'm bitter or anything -- no, really. <R>< --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a) where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog