+1 for SDN and another IPv6 course ���
Daniel��Millar��� ������� Sales��&��Technical��Engineer
Phone:��+64��3��741��1339 ��|�� Fax:��+64��3��327��3193
| Email:��dan@gowifi.co.nz ��|�� Web:��www.gowifi.co.nz
From: <nznog-bounces@list.waikato.
ac.nz > on behalf of Dave Mill <dave@mill.net.nz>
Date: Monday, 27 August 2018 at 1:20 AM
To: "nznog@list.waikato.ac.nz" <nznog@list.waikato.ac.nz>
Subject: [nznog] NZNOG 2019 Workshop/Tutorials��
Hi all
As part of NZNOG we normally offer a 3 day workshop (Mon to Wed) and a few tutorials on the Wednesday.
APNIC have the following workshops/tutorials offered at the moment.
We're seeking feedback (on or off list) on what people may want.
Note, most recently we've had a 1 day Network Security tutorial (Queenstown) and a 3 day MPLS workshop (Tauranga).
Ideas for next year:
-3 day Network Security
-3 day Routing I
-3 day SDN (5 days condensed in to 3 days)
-3 day DNSSEC
-1 day IPv6 essentials
-1 day DNSSEC
-1/2 day BGP techniques
Or, what else would people like to see at NZNOG (workshop and tutorial wise) that APNIC don't offer?
On-list discussion encouraged :)
NZNOG mailing list