Hi all

Just as a follow up to my previous posts.

If you are using a TPID of 0x8100 when ingressing packets in to a VPLS port on a Juniper MX80 the Juniper will silently drop the packets (the best kind of drop!) with Junos 11.4. I believe this will be due to Junos still treating this bit as a CFI bit.

With Junos 12.3 and 13.3 this does not appear to happen. The bit seem to be classed as a DEI bit and hence could then be used for PLP classifiers if you wished.

I haven't proven this in production yet as we're having some issues getting a particular MX to 12.3 at the moment.

Back to Brent's question for the rest of you.


On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 8:50 AM, Brent Marquis <Brent.Marquis@chorus.co.nz> wrote:

I have a question about the converse side of the issue we have struck...
Are there any RSPs out there that are classifying on ingress from us based on DEI?

i.e.*IF* we did remove DEI=1, is it going to cause any pain?�� I guess this would most likely be the guys with ALU kit which are using the DEI bit from us to classify, but I suspect that no one is doing this...

As has been mentioned, it���s a global change for us to remove DEI.�� Given the impact to our customers (you guys) and your customers, we're still investigating the possibility of removing DEI.�� Which has technical and commercial issues around it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Allard [mailto:Simon.Allard@team.orcon.net.nz]
Sent: Monday, 13 October 2014 12:06 p.m.
To: Nathan Ward; Brent Marquis; Dave Mill; Don Stokes
Cc: nznog@list.waikato.ac.nz
Subject: RE: [nznog] UFB Upload Issues

> People should really just use 0x88a8 - those who aren���t, can I ask why not? Is it because you���re trying to tunnel it over a switch that doesn���t support 802.1ad or something? I���m not saying it���s wrong, I���m > interested in understanding the situations in which you might do this.

Some devices just don't support it, even modern kit.

We use Pseudowires to transport handovers to central ALU 7750's. The ALU 7750 drops the packets if we use 08x88 on the handovers in the Psuedowire code. Apparently 0x8100 is hardcoded!

Hopefully one day they will fix it.

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