On 03/17/2011 11:16 PM, Dobbins, Roland wrote:
We have a few customers with IPv6 right now. Mainly on our PPPoE wireless/ethernet products, but a couple on our DSL. Out of curiosity, what're they doing with it? Testing, or actually accessing something?
As one of Dave's guinea pigs, I'll respond :-) GodZone's infrastructure has had IPv6 deployed for several years now, we started with sixxs tunnels but have been native since last May, thanks to Unleash and Inspire. My development environment is all at home so operational management etc of the GZ environment is from home. Could I just use IPv4? yes. What did IPv6 do for me, it got rid of NAT for one. I have used my home environment to test Massey University's IPv6 deployment and GodZone's. Whilst IPv6 is not 'needed', I use it operationally every day, so for me it is 'in production'. Does Inspire support IPv6 over DSL 'in production' - no, not yet but what they have got so far is working pretty well from my end. I tried to get PPTP pass-through working on the SpeedTouch CPE (which I had been using with IPv4) and in the end gave up. The PPP IPv6 control protocol never made it through. I bought a Cisco 871 and that is working just fine. I hope that fills in some of the blanks. -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Glen and Rosanne Eustace, GodZone Internet Services, a division of AGRE Enterprises Ltd., P.O. Box 8020, Palmerston North, New Zealand 4446 Ph: +64 6 357 8168, Fax: +64 6 357 8165, Mob: +64 27 542 4015 "A Ministry specialising in providing low-cost professional Internet Services to NZ Christian Churches, Ministries and Organisations"