(large CC list removed...)
Hmmmm. That reminds me of some sort of saying... Something about a little knowledge being a dangerous thing...
Aha - Here we go:
"A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again. Alexander Pope (1688-1744) - An Essay on Criticism."
And on balance I'd agree - letting someone think they're safer if they take the most lightweight precautions probably isn't a good idea.
Cheers - N
*snip* You beat me to the punch Neil. The problem with 'a little knowledge' is you end up with a rash of 'Help! I'm being DoS'd by (insert IP of your ISP's DNS Servers here)!!! BAN THEM!' Aka the little bit of knowledge is 'knowing you need a firewall to be safe' and the better bit of knowledge is 'knowing the difference betweem an attack, and innocent / important internet traffic'. Or at least how to find out the difference! But yeah, given the lack of PR that "Online Security Day" received in the IT Community it can hardly be given any sort of credibility... you think buy in from a few major IT outfits and ISPs would be kinda useful? Almost as press-worthy as Microsofts announcement re Maori language support in Windows XP? (When its been available to varying degrees within alternative OS's for quite some time..)[1] Mark. [1] I give credit to the fact they've finished it and packaged it. As I understand it most of the Maori Language work for Linux is in an incomplete state.... then again when you're throwing thousands of dollars at a project you can expect to have an edge on small open-source efforts I guess!