I'm curious -- is a problem for you? If so, how?
All the reasons why lame delegations are no good, and a few more besides. The registrant thinks by paying the registry bill, service will be reinstated. If delegation required us to participate in the transaction, the registrant would have learned they had to pay our bill as well.
It seems to me you could look at this another way
- as joe user, I get a domain wibble.org.nz via some ISP, I pay the Domainz fee but not my ISP
- my ISP revokes the DNS from theer infrastructure, but Domainz does not -- and why should they? I have paid them some money and they are perhaps obligated to honour their part of the contract?
So, what am I missing here?
RFC's and the notion of a good stable DNS. The registry can leave the name in the register, but I beleive they have a responsibility not to delegate names to name servers that are known not to be configured to provide name service at delegation time. regards Peter Mott Chief Enthusiast 2Day.com -/- --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog