
Would like to thank Tim Hoffman for pointing me in the right direction :)

Turns out I just needed to;
set protocols static interface-route xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/32 next-hop-interface ethx.xxx


Liam Farr

On Nov 23, 2013, at 06:07 PM, Liam Farr <liamfarr@me.com> wrote:


I've run into a bit of a dumb problem, hopefully someone here can point me in the right direction. 

I receive a route to a /28 from a member of my BGP confederation, (the /28 is on a directly connected interface of this router) via BGP to one of my edge routers, and I wish to advertise a specific /32 from this /28 to an external BGP peer (upstream provider) from this edge router.

I can use route-maps and prefix-lists, to define a BGP export policy to only export the /32 to the external neighbor without issue. Where I get stuck is getting the /32 into my route table, essentially I need to de-aggregate the /28 down to a /32?

Is there an accepted "best practice" way of doing this?

Apologies if this is a stupid question, I've never run into this issue before, and Google isn't giving me much help.


Liam Farr
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