These folk have called our Service desk twice recently claiming that certificates are about to expire (when they were not) and this arrived over night.  I know this certificate was renewed a couple of months ago.  

These attempts to get us to renew are borderline fraudulent so I thought I would warn others...


Begin forwarded message:

From: Nayan Sagar - Viteb Solutions <>
Date: 20 August 2010 9:05:19 AM NZST
To: <>
Subject: You SSL Certificate will expire soon

IT � Department 

We are writing this email to remind you that SSL Certificate for your domain is going to expire on 8/23/2006. We recommend you to Renew your Certificate as soon as possible.

To Renew your SSL Certificate, click here

If you renew it now, you will be eligible for getting EV SSL (SSL with Greenbar) Certificate worth US $684 along with COMODO HackerProof Certificate worth US $4131.

So hurry up and renew your SSL Certificate and give the best security to your domain with huge savings.


1. This offer does not include wildcard certificates, UCC certificates and Code Signing products.
2. EV SSL would be issued maximum for 2 years validity.
3. Subject to Terms & Conditions.
SSL Logic
US +1 (818) 660 2319
AUS +61 (02) 8003 3462
UK +44 (0) 208 123 5437