Or they will put some capacity from AU to NZ and drop it off there...

Be nice if they did a deal with Vocus or someone else in Sydney who can drop it on APE or something else...��


Skeeve Stevens -��eintellego Networks Pty Ltd
The Experts Who The Experts Call
Juniper - Cisco��- Cloud - Consulting��- IPv4 Brokering

On 19 November 2014 13:07, Blair Harrison <nznog@jedi.school.nz> wrote:
I suspect their primary CDN for this region will be AWS infrastructure in aus.. so we might see a bit more trans-tasman traffic�� :)



On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 2:54 PM, Simon Allard <Simon.Allard@team.orcon.net.nz> wrote:

Netflix does have its own CDN which they deploy in ISP networks. Looks like the ISP supplies the hardware and they supply the software.




In the past they have never let anyone outside of the regions they service use these. So will be interesting to see what they expect of NZ/AU ISP���s now.


Do we need to deploy CDN nodes? or will they come in with their own CDN and peer? How will they handle non-peering ISP���s?


March isn���t that far away with a big nice brownout/blackout period in the middle.



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