Thanks for all of the offers, Renaissance are going to get one to us.

Thanks again,



From: [] On Behalf Of Forman, Lana
Sent: Monday, 28 February 2011 12:47 p.m.
Subject: [nznog] CHCH - Looking for iPad/tablet or similar device




Bit of a random request, I have a workmate sitting at Burwood hospital caring for his wife who has a spinal injury resulting from the quake. She’s not able to communicate well verbally, but has been able to slowly tap out messages on his HTC touch phone. If anyone could loan me an iPad or other such touchy tablet device there will be beer. I’m trying to find a device that I can purchase off one of our suppliers at the moment but a loaner for a couple of days while I get that sorted would be so helpful.






Lana Forman
Senior Services Engineer

Fujitsu New Zealand Limited

Unit 3, 1 Show Place, Addington, Christchurch, New Zealand 8024
T +64 3 963 7950 M +64 21 289 8829 F +64 3 963 7941

Description: Description: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\LANAF\Application Data\Microsoft\Signatures\Fujitsu_files\fujitsuemailsignatureNZ.gif