Steve Kurzeja wrote:
Regan Murphy wrote:
A friend of mine recently changed from Orcon to QSI. He is on an exchange on the other side of AKL from me. On the Thursday (with Orcon) he was sustaining a 220KB/sec download from the linux mirror at citylink. On the Friday when he was changed over to QSI he couldn't get better than 80KB/sec from the same source and he has had speed problems since. He changed about 2-3 weeks ago. From what you've said it does sound like QSI's UBS (ATM) circuit to Telecom is maxed out, rather than issues of over-subscription at the exchange. But it is hard to know without all the info. Perhaps someone from QSI could comment here.
Orcon had this issue at one stage shortly after the introduction of UBS and it required (if I understand it correctly) the installation of an extra physical link, which took weeks. Russell