Hi everyone.
While we're on the subject of mail rejections, I look after a couple of
sites on a TelstraClear Tempest connections, both with IP addresses on Unfortunately, spam DNS blacklist SORBS
(http://www.dnsbl.au.sorbs.net/) list them as being on Dynamic IP space:
203.97.48.x found in Dynamic IP Space (Cable, DSL & Dial Ups)
Address or Block: / 21
Information: Dynamic IP address, use your ISPs mail server
...and as such a number of sites (a number growing by about one a day,
just the ones I get told about) are blocking mail based on the SORBS
Some months ago I got in touch with TC's faults desk and they claim to
have emailled off to SORBS to have this reclassified.
Nothing changed, so I got in touch with our local tech contact at TC; he
said he'd fire it off to the ISP guys but I've not heard back from him
I've asked around about this and the best suggestions are "you're an ISP
customer, you should be smarthosting through an ISP mail server."
Problems with this include the fact that we no longer have any control
over retry/routing/any of the niceties of controlling your own outbound
SMTP; the fact that clear.net.nz mailservers are currently being eaten
by Zafi and mail delivery will probably slow down; and the fact that we
"just plain shouldn't have to."
We have a hosted mail server of our own that we could use as a
smarthost, however it will be a significant increase in load on this
machine where we have a perfectly good mail server sitting at the
clients site. I agree completely about customers not running mail
service on dial-up lines, but a Tempest connection with a static IP
address is a business service, not a 56k modem with an infected Windows
box behind it.
I'm not sure where to go from here. It's possible that if I ask TC to
set the PTR for each affected customer to smtp.$CLIENT and then manually
request that it's removed from SORBS, it may be done. Their FAQ
(http://www.dnsbl.au.sorbs.net/DUL-FAQ.html) suggests I'm more likely to
be asked to have my ISP ask.
I'd like to see TC deal to this, perhaps by putting more information in
the WHOIS db about what space is static and what is dynamic, and
possibly changing PTR records appropriately. According to the DNSBL
faq, the contact listed in the RIR can have it changed - it would be
really nice if this problem could go away.
If there are any other suggestions that anyone has about how to deal
with this problem, please let me know.
Craig Box Phone 07 957 2653
IT Partners Ltd Fax 07 957 2659
PO Box 9361 Mobile 021 475 869
Hamilton, New Zealand