NZNOG People, I'd like to make a number of comments about events on this list over the last couple of days. This is partly because I simply don't have the time to respond individually to all of the emails sent to me. Sorry. But first, a brief chronology of some of this morning's events: 9:03 List notified that mastermithras(a) has been unsubscribed 10:11 List notified that phuct up(a) has been unsubscribed 10:19 Abusive email with forged From address posted to the list 10:31 "^god" with address god(a) subscribes to the list 10:39 Address god(a) unsubscribed by administrator 11:00 Notice from Xtra received that originator of abusive email has been removed from Xtra's network. All of which makes sense to me, but it's taken us some time to get here. The current AUP process is written to allow a certain amount of stupidity to take place before people get unsubscribed. For myself, I'd prefer to keep it that way. Complaining to the List ----------------------- Over the last couple of days, we've seen a considerable number of postings to the list complaining about AUP breaches. I don't mind people emailing me directly, and I certainly don't mind people emailing the senders of such email directly either, but please don't send this sort of thing to the list. It does not seem to influence people who are being intentionally silly, but does swell the volume of non-operational postings. Moderation ---------- There have been a number of quite understandable suggestions of late that the list should become moderated, if only for a time. I remain unwilling to do this. This is partly to ensure that relevant operational material can be disseminated quickly. It is also because it doesn't look to me possible to square moderation in any circumstances with continuing denial that the administrator is responsible for the content of the list or its archive. Administration Head Count ------------------------- The existing process for dealing with idiocy in varying degrees relies on the issuing of warnings. Faster issuing of warnings would result in faster unsubscription of the determinedly anti-social. One way to achieve that would be to move from having a single list administrator to having more than one. Which raises the twin questions of whether there'd be any volunteers for such a role, and "In whom do the people trust?" - Donald Neal List Administrator -- Donald Neal | piano - a musical Technical Specialist | shipping line. Network Delivery | [ Graeme Garden ] Telecom Corp. NZ Ltd | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This communication, including any attachments, is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not read it - please contact me immediately, destroy it, and do not copy or use any part of this communication or disclose anything about it. Thank you." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------