Nathan Ward wrote:
I got caught with this a month or two ago. I mentioned it on the InternetNZ list, as I figured we should stop people registering <tld>.<2ld>.nz, but it turns out the behaviour was deprecated in an RFC several years ago, and most OSes don't do it anymore.
The only OS I've found that does it (by that, I mean it's the only one I looked at) is OS X, and it seems to be in the mDNSResponder stuff. The problem exists in Leopard, and Tiger. Not sure about pre 10.4.
Someone registered and that bit me on OS X for years. As far as I recall, if /etc/resolv.conf has "domain X.Y.Z", then OS X search through each parent sub domain in turn (the way that RFC says not to). If /etc/resolv.conf contains a "search" line instead, then it just goes through the search list as specified. The domain line appears when I configure the client with DHCP, and the search line appears when I hard code the domain search list in the TCP/IP preferences panel. I haven't tried setting the domain search list through DHCP yet. Cheers -- Lloyd Parkes Senior Systems Programmer Open Systems Ph: +64 4 890 2437