On 20/09/2006, at 21:26 , David Robinson wrote:
A customer of mine in Wellington has had no cable connection since Monday night. This is no connection full stop for that time period, it is not the random drop outs that people have been having on cable. .... is seeing random access attempts from other ips on the subnet (121.73.0.*), but the client is unable to ping the gateway (
Is anyone else experiencing these problems? Is anyone at Telstra able to shed anymore light on this?
Thanks David
The TelstraClear cable connection that hosts WellyLug.org.nz has been a bit flaky of late, and a number of people on cable I know have reported "issues" of a variety - but the wellylug one seems similiar: 'cuse the cross-post -- archive at http://lists.naos.co.nz/pipermail/wlug_org/2006-September/001702.html On 21/09/2006, at 10:08 , [not specified] wrote:
For the technically minded I am on a Telstra Cable connection, the physical connection to Telstra's network seems to be intact, I can see ARP requests and the occasional UDP packet. I can not ping either the Paradise DNS server, or gateway. ... I have been able to ping a few other local machines eg 121.73.5.* (whoever that is), and strangely a few other addresses eg 203..x.x.x (can't remember what address it was, an addr I saw sending ARP requests).
HTH, and yeah, I nznog isn't really the helpdesk, but this seems to be a "technical matter" ;) -- Jo Booth 021 JBOOTH Mesh|net Network Facilitator http://mesh.net.nz