From: "Steve Phillips"
I guess people have short attention spans here ;-) (Don, if you search the archives for posts from Ted Grenfell - last one dated 7-12-2006, you should find his contact details)
I think we all tried that.... Xtra no longer exist, they are a brand of Telecom and if you contact Xtra(Ted) about this problem they/he will "refer" you to Yahoo who are now the provider of the service This is a bit like taking a product back to The Warehouse and being told to send it back to China yourself. A service company would take ownership of the problem. Xtra has not. By now I would expect an "Xtra" procedure for whitelisting a .nz server (sorry Ted but this is a big time waster). Cheers BG ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This e-mail message has passed virus scanning by Outersite Technology.