I don't think this question has been asked but I think it's worth asking. After the Christchurch attacks and the fact that Cloudflare clearly support terrorist and white supremacist sites has there been any consideration on if peering or engaging with Cloudflare is something that providers no longer wish to participate in. Or there isn't a sense of morality when it comes to the internet. Cloudflare have a LONG history of not caring about any and all vile material and have absolutely no intention to do anything about it from the engagements I have had with them post Christchurch. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/05/cloudflare-changes-abuse-policy-... https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/12/19/cloudflare_terror_groups/ https://suespammers.net/tag/cloudflare-com-doing-nothing-about-spam-abuse/ https://krebsonsecurity.com/tag/cloudflare/ https://www.propublica.org/article/how-cloudflare-helps-serve-up-hate-on-the... To me they are clearly supportive of all sorts of vile content and have zero interest in doing anything about it while they still earn money. Has the horrific events of Christchurch given anyone pause to think if they want to engage with Cloudflare? Are morals important when running a service?. Peter