I think your clock needs adjustment. It's trying to tell us it's 1999 =:P
Date fixed... a restore from drive image left back in the last millinum... thanks for pointing it out to me. And to stay sort-of on topic... I ran across the following article (which might be of some interest for those wishing to stream their own music to the net in NZ): http://www.7amnews.com/2001/features/032101.shtml Now the article, in and of itself, doesn't have any particularly ground breaking information; however, if you blow up the screenshots shown in the article and look *real* close at who they're monitoring, you'll see some local (to NZ) backbone IP carriers and service providers (with names like TISNZ-15 Telecom Internet Services, ESURF-NZ, Clear Communications, WAVEIS-NZ, PRONET-NZ, GLOBALNET-NZ, etc.). Hell, from the screenshot, you'd think that NZ was some sort of hotbed for music piracy... I thought it was kinda' funny. I guess NZ needs to fear the BPI and not the RIAA (obviously). Well, at any rate, it give you a jumping off point from which to stand in case you want to sell your sole and opt-in to the whole pay-us-to-promote-the-artists-we-own corporate music jedi mind trick. enjoy... --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog