Nicholas Lee wrote:
On 15/02/06, Simon Blake
wrote: We've been using greylisting here for the last six months, and it's made a huge difference to the amount of noise that the downstream spam filters have to deal with. I've had to whitelist one external mail server, and a couple of internal ones, but all in all, I'm well pleased with the results. It's particularly useful to have running over mailman owner addresses to reduce the crap that arrives there.
I would set your timeout to be really low - 15 seconds would be as effective as 30 minutes, as far as I can see.
Is there a wiki or something somewhere listing 'optimisations' for NZ. ie. Which servers need to be whitelisted.
The Wlug wiki has some of this kind of random operational data in it, feel free to add a page in there somewhere about it. ( ) ?