This guy reminds me of a 12 year old Mexican version of Sahil Gupta. _____ From: Felix Alcantara [mailto:speakz(a)] Sent: Saturday, 11 March 2006 2:32 a.m. To: NZNOG(a) Subject: [nznog] Sponsor proposal ISP (Read) Comments: We contact you concerning an advice and offer we would like to state, we would like to know if you are interested on providing some services regarding IRC networks especially to Details: we would like to locate a server (hardware) on your main site to be able to provide full peerings to our Server. Conditions: You will have full control of our activities, thru managing our Ports and Filtering our data transfer thru your peerings. And also we will maintain you informed of our root pass for further access of your tech members to monitor our inner activity. The benefits your site could gain from this deal are what I consider fair enough. Not only the MOTD (which is viewed daily by at least 2000 users) but also a support channel for your customers. Furthermore, please take a moment to have a look at the list containing the current Undernet sponsoring sites. This can be retrieved at . Why shouldn't you? Tech Request: we only need to have our server connected to the peerings, and a Dedicated IP with a reversed Host that could be And we would like full approval of your NOC to allow use this IP to link to Indeed Denial of Service Attacks are extremely damaging for small networks. However, I am sure that as long as we do not attract attention upon us, in the event of approval and linkage, we would be 'unspotted' by those who enterprise such actions. As such, I can guarantee you that no one from the Server Staff would perform actions that by their nature would attract Denial of Service attacks towards the server and your network. Sincerely, Félix Alcántara 1-(809)-854-9853 E-mail: speakz(a) Speakz @IRC