On 29 June 2011 13:23, Glen Eustace <geustace@godzone.net.nz> wrote:
There really isn't a fix. �To start with it depends on whether the cust knows where the service has gone to. �If they don't know, then that is where the problems begin.
In our case TUANZ was very helpful in finding out for us but that is not an official channel for this sort of thing.
If you know the new provider, then let the phone argy-bargy begin. Getting the service back to the original provider is NOT straight forward or easy. �Again, in our case, Telecom helped in the end by getting a new line and BB service provisioned to the same address. �I gather this isn't a normal remedy either.
It should be easy. Telecom Wholesale has a process and an 0800 number (for retail providers) to look into these incidents.
Anyone from a Retail ISP in NZ that does not know this number or process, feel free to contact me and I will put you in touch with the right person at Telecom. I won't give this info out to end users - this process must be driven by the ISP.
It's frustrating that so many ISPs (and NONE are exempt from this criticism as far as I can tell) either don't know about this process, or choose not to train their frontline staff in this.
Neil Gardner