Erin Salmon - Unleash Computers Ltd wrote:
In our case, there were only three options providing competitive delivery to Christchurch, which made choosing providers easy, and means we'll have to get along with them, because there aren't millions of alternatives.
Taking addresses from these three and not being in a position to move easily and quickly to any new provider who may happen to appear reinforces the status quo.
In any case Brett, to peer at the exchange you need a BGP capable router, a physical connection to it, a block of addresses to route, and an ASN. Then just go and ask all the big ISPs nicely if they'll peer with you.
I still think there's value in having your own address space and your own AS number which you're not beholden to an upstream ISP for. Will you get more traction asking for peering if you have these? I don't know for sure but I can imagine a conversation where you heard: "We'd love to peer with you but our criteria say you need to 1) have your own address space, 2) your own AS number for us to be able to do this (and if you have those, your own national network, be able to stand on one leg for hours at a time, have completed three orbits of the earth on Soyuz 98....)" This is all about being in control of your own destiny - using your upstream ISPs numbers simply doesn't give you that. You'd
better have something that it's currently costing them money to get at, or some content that doesn't like going via Australia. :) Get in touch with Citylink, they'll be able to advise how best to get a connection to the exchange, and help you get it working properly.
Happy to help with this of course - and part of our advice having seen this bite numerous people over the years including bitter (note: this is not a beer reference) personal experience will be the address space stuff above.