There is a Geekzone thread that I kicked off when I attended the Commerce Commission presentation about Samknows and got to meet Sam.

I've done a bit of analysis on the traffic but haven't dug too deep��yet as I didn't want to bust open the box and try and reverse engineer their OpenWRT build.

Happy to put anyone in touch with the guys I have dealt with directly from the Comcom and Samknows too.

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 12:59 PM Brian Cole <> wrote:
Acknowledged with thanks,


On Thu, 27 Sep 2018 at 12:58 PM, Nathan Ward <> wrote:
Hi Brian,

You should call their support if you think there���s something going on that���s impacting your connection.

They will detect if your connection is in use and doing more than (I think) 64kbit/s in the last 30s or something, and won���t run the tests.

They have some clever stuff to detect if your wifi is in use, without being connected to your network and without being your AP. Perhaps that���s playing up?

Pretty sure it���s publicly documented, check out the links in that original post and if not we can dig up some other stuff I���m sure.

On 27/09/2018, at 11:38 AM, Brian Cole <> wrote:

Hi all,��

Longtime listener; first time caller.��

I signed up to SamKnows (partly out of curiosity and partly so I can have hard data about my connection that I pay for) at home.

Over the last week my connection has gone from slightly adequate with the occasional drop out to a slow connection with regular drop outs.��

Netflix and YouTube are stuttering, video games drop connection, and websites hang at random times.��

I can't help but think that the email shared by Dylan sheds some light on why that maybe.��

This programme won't be terribly successful if everyone gets sick of having a terrible connection during peak hours and shuts the white box down.��

Pretty frustrating.��




Brian Cole��/��Research Projects Developer
Research & Enterprise ��
/�� Research Office ��/�� University of Waikato��
Private Bag 3105����/����Hamilton 3240����/����New Zealand������/����mob + 64 21 049 ��9183

Please excuse any brevity, spelling mistakes, or errors in this email due to being sent from a mobile device.��
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