On 1/04/2013, at 10:12 PM, Andy Linton
Another option of course is to ask the question: Has NZNOG done its dash?
That's a legitimate question, however it's not "another option" to divert attention from the question at hand. The trustees are charged with owning the NZNOG conferences and to my mind that includes the web site & archiving of past activity. I expected that funding from attendees and sponsors is used to record what happened at our conference and preserve it for future uses. To dismiss the problem of lost history by expressing your boredom today is poor form.
The list rarely contains anything of real interest, there's a real struggle to get good papers for presentation at the meeting and the major ISP players don't really care or take part.
Like InternetNZ, the most popular threads are meta-discussion and griping. I still find those things valuable, or at the very least entertaining.
Of course, on the upside there's a couple of nights on the piss at the annual conference to balance against those negatives.
I'm thankful for the opportunity to meet with many of my colleagues, including those who don't drink, at an affordable conference here in New Zealand. I would be sad to see that disappear. Sam.