Thanks Lenz. Good points. This is getting seriously off topic and even beer won't make it so. I will make a few points and then  move on to the InternetNZ members list.
1) InternetNZ is not broken and does not need fixing.  It does need to keep improving and will.
2) Council is open, all our minutes are online and the meetings are recorded and you can listen. Members can attend any council meeting. We can do better in communicating with members.
3) We need a  healthy balance of geeks, governance, community, policy, new blood, experience and several other skills on council.
4) Council is democratic. People who complain about things not being the way they want, have failed to convince council.
5) Frank March is best candidate for president and is a strong proponent for the NOG.

El Presidente until July 30

lenz wrote:

i don't see too much wrong with INZ - the only concern i (and some others) had was the lack of geeks in the new proposed council. this is the reason for some of the later bunch of guys on the election list for council to stand up and put forward their name.
in my view this is pure counter balance to a otherwise probably too corporate/governance focused direction of INZ. INZ is in the lucky position to have two brilliant guys on top of DNCL and NZRS so that there is not too much oversight needed on that front which gives resources for extending their work done in things like the new copyright legislation, software patents and the more internet related things like being a centre of excellence and expertise in all matters of internet governance. strengthen the position of INZ as _the_ entity of consultation for any matters relating to internet governance should be the biggest goal i think. this would imply that NZ government officially accepts INZ as the governing body of the .nz namespace and (hopefully) prevent disasters as we had with s92a.


On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 11:32 AM, Drew Calcott <> wrote:
Steven Heath wrote:

> The first to say it on NZNOG perhaps.

Which is exactly my point.  I'm guessing quite a few people on here are
in my position and really don't know what is going on with INZ at all...
 so it would be nice if people are going to go soliciting votes if they
could spell out what they believe the problems are.

INZ things may not be directly NZNOG related, but the list is currently
dead quiet otherwise, so now that the issue has been raised, how about
you come in for a discussion over a cup of tea, rather than just
standing outside on the lawn holding a sign with your name on it?

Drew Calcott

Linux Systems Administrator
Science IT
University of Auckland
p: +64-9-373 7599, ext#: 84269
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