im doing a little project and im looking for a script to get nz ip ranges i did a Google search and found this, but as you can see it was from 2005 and out dated, the url doesn't work etc i need some help to update it thanks #!/usr/local/bin/php <?php $in_file = ""; // $in_file = "country-ipv4.lst"; $out_file = "nzipranges.txt"; $handle_input = @fopen($in_file,"r") or die("Unable to open $in_file\n\n"); $handle_output = fopen($out_file, "w"); $now = date ("r"); fwrite ($handle_output,"# Generated: $now\n\n"); while (!feof($handle_input)) { $buffer = fgets($handle_input); if ( ereg ( "nz", $buffer) ) { // echo $buffer; $this_range = trim(preg_replace ( "#([\d\.]+) \- [\d\.]+ : [\d\.]+(\/\d+) .+#","$1$2", $buffer )); fwrite ($handle_output,"\n" . $this_range); } } fclose($handle_input); fwrite ($handle_output,"\n"); fclose($handle_output); ?>