Hey all,

Just a heads up that I got a hold of someone at Samsung and they are aware of it and apparently working on fixing it.

Can a moderator please unsubscribe the e-mail address from the list in the short term?

��- Damian

On 13 November 2017 at 10:36, Dylan DeLoretta <dylan@gtlnetworks.com> wrote:

Good morning,


Please refer to the enclosed document for your kind perusal


Kind regards,


Dylan DeLoretta

Technical Support�� |�� GTL Networks Ltd�� |�� New Zealand

DDI�� +64 9 415 6711

dylan@gtlnetworks.com�� |���� www.samsungnz.com


������ Description: Description: GTL-Logo������������������������������Description: Description: Samsung_Ent_IPSolutions��������������������������


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