[...] there are no common and widely accepted definitions of what peering and other related terms actually mean, where 'widely' encompasses the whole of industry.
We need to take off our techie hats and put on our lawyerie or accountant ones. How about this: Neutral Peering is peering at a Neutral Location. A Neutral Location is one where the entity providing the location does not provide connectivity to that location (or does so "at arms length" and competing equally with all other connectivity providers). A Neutral Location may be any physical size, provided that the location provider does not charge for traffic or bandwidth between participants within the location. In other words, Citylink metro qualifies as a location encompassing all of Wellington, because there is no charge within the "location". Telecom "peering" does not qualify beccause you can't backhaul your own cable and knock on their door saying "where do I plug in". Or if you could, you wouldn't get peering on an arms-length cost basis. -Martin