On 9/02/18 13:11, Barry Murphy wrote:
May be quite beneficial to have NZNog the week after, so those that have travelled from AU the week before can stick around for another week and attend NZNog
Could definitely work out. I can think of at least a half dozen Australia-nbased Linux.Conf.au regulars, who would probably come to LCA2019 in Christchurch too, working in networks/network operations as their day job. There's probably more who would find it relevant if it was easy to get to after Linux.Conf.au (Christchurch/Wellington is an easy regular flight; not sure about Christchurch/New Plymouth or Christchurch/Napier -- those might be two flights). (The week before might work too, but some of the people I'm thinking of usually help with LCA conference setup, which obviously is the end of the week before the conference...) Ewen