I'm now trying to engineer it so we can add Juniper devices while changing as little Brocade config as possible. Can anyone help me with the following questions:
- How many LSPs can a Brocade MLX4/MLX8 handle before it falls over? We have a mesh of 15 chassis, and the output of "show mpls memory" looks like this:
�Mem-Type � � �Alloc BytesAlloc TotalAlloc �TotalFree �AllocPeak �AllocFail � FreeFail
�LSP � � � � 28 � � �25760 � � � �369 � � � �341 � � � � 28 � � � � �0 � � � � �0
Does this mean that it's full? The documentation is sparse, I'm hoping someone else has gone down that rabbit hole and found an answer for me :)
- What MTU are people using for VLL/VPLS?
- Has anyone got QinQ working with VLL/VPLS on a Brocade?
- Does anyone have a preference for raw mode vs tagged mode for VLL and VPLS?