On 06/06/12 15:54, Greg Soffe wrote:
always thought it would be nice if people had to provide a
company number to register a .co.nz ,�� so the NZ public could
have a bit of faith in that there were actually legal entities
behind the .co. names. Also if there was a requirement to be
registered in a company name to get <company name>.co.nz
squatters would have a hard time in NZ.
"co" stands for "commercial", not "company".
And as to your proposal, they do that in Australia. It's a classic
example of making registration procedures so bogged down with rules
to deal with any possible abuse that legitimate use suffers; the
result is that registering a domain in com.au is a slow,
bureaucratic and expensive process compared to getting under way in
One of the things I like about doing business in NZ is that it is so
easy to do. As a country, unlike the US & Aus, we seem to have
managed to get away from the idea that you shouldn't be able to
trade unless you are blessed by an army of faceless bureaucrats. And
that, IMAO, is a Very Good Thing.
-- don