Barry Murphy wrote:
Ok, But I still fail to see how this works.
1./ I buy my international pipe through telstra 2./ I buy my national pipe through telstra 3./ I try connect to but because iconz doesn't per with telstra, I use international and not 'national' and my pictures load SLOWLY!!! *phones helpdesk to complain about slow browsing*
I'd freak. Whats T&T going to do to provide 'national' connectivity? Is it only national if the remote ISP peers with T. Is national defined as being within T's network only?
That sucks BIG time. Somebodys been playing with their calculator to long and doesn't understand the internet to be able to make decisions like this.
My thoughts alone.
All TelstraClear customers should write to their account manager seeking an assurance that all of their traffic between sites in NZ will be routed within NZ, and indicating that they will be looking seriously at moving to an alternative supplier if such assurances are not forthcoming or are not adhered to. If enough of their current customers do this, TelstraClear might just get the message that they are likely to lose as much or more revenue from current customers voting with their feet as they will gain by forcing others to sign up. After all, who would buy into or stay with a "those parts of New Zealand TelstraClear connect to by commercial arrangements" deal if they can get an "all of New Zealand" deal elsewhere. John Rumsey