Atleast he didn't get it anywhere near as wrong as this guy
All right, all right! Give me a break. There are only so many 4am starts I can handle in one week without getting flummoxed! ip prefix-list attica-networks description Attica Communications, contact: noc(a)noc.attica.net.nz ip prefix-list attica-networks seq 5 permit ip prefix-list attica-networks seq 10 permit ip prefix-list attica-networks seq 15 permit ip prefix-list attica-networks seq 20 permit ip prefix-list attica-networks seq 25 permit ip prefix-list attica-networks seq 30 permit ip prefix-list attica-networks seq 35 permit This is copied straight from the routing table, and thus I must assume that it's accurate. However it might not be - I have been driving routers in my sleep lately. Cheers. James Tyson --- Samizdat New Media Solutions --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog