There now appear to be two versions of this list. and We have recently been assigned a public AS and I thought we should probably go on the list - as we're growing our things breaking will have a wider impact and other NOs might want to get hold of us. I have no issue with being woken up in the middle of the night when our things break. I have a strong objection to being woken up when someone elses things break. Personally I like the (mostly) unlinked anonymity of the list at, as it's less likely to be some kid who has no idea what an AS is calling at 2am because the gaming server they're using in suddenly unreachable (probably due to some reason other than our network being broken). Sure, the kid might ultimately pay my wages, but they're sure as hell not my customer... I emailed Simon Lyall yesterday to ask to go on the list at - is this still going to be considered the NO list? I know there's no king and all that jazz, but some direction for a newbie AS NO would be appreciated... For the record, here's our guff: Name Netspace Services Limited Domains ASN(s) 9733 Phone Number(s) +64 4 917 8098, 0800 NETSPACE (0800 638 772) Clueful People Gerard Creamer Direct Email noc(a) Hours Office Thanks, Gerard