On 1 August 2012 16:21, Matthew Moyle-Croft
Like: http://www.commsday.com/commsday/2011/exclusive-china-telecom-huawei-units-p... ?
I think you mis-understand the whole purpose (perhaps Dean can put his slides up somewhere) . I don't think this is about international capacity per-se, but quicker, faster, better links to AU - there are more CDN's there, it's easier to negotiate contracts for an 'Oceanic' market segment with the big content pushers. To quote Dean "We want to appear as a State of Australia, not a Suburb of LA" Wasn't there just another 200G pipe to US announced there last week from AU? Am aware of AXIN, but IIRC wasn't the major backer of Pacific Fibre PAC-NET, I would have through there are different politics involved; but I don't pretend to have the foggiest. If there were three providers to AU I think we might stand a chance of having on-negotiated competition out of AU which we can pitch into to.