I was having problems sending mail to an organisation and eventually worked out that the host name and reverse dns entry did not match and therefore mail transfer was refused: ------- 220 mail.xxxbar.co.nz ESMTP NetIQ MailMarshal (v5.5.5.8) Ready ehlo hellmouth.oaxxxsystems.co.nz 554 No SMTP service here ------- As soon as I corrected my server to use the correct host name to match the reverse (vampire.oaxxxsystems.co.nz) then mail was allowed to go through. I would assume this was a recent change by the receiving organisation as I have not had problems sending them emails before. Is this sort of configuration becoming standard for organistions? I would expect that may create problems for smaller organisations sending email directly from their in-house hosted mail server for which they have no control over reverse-dns entries. -- Regards, Regan